[Home Care] CLTOX white ampoule for uneven skin tone



Skincare, Personal Care

Main Ingredients

Yuzu, Aloe, HA


CLTOX Plus white ampoule for uneven skin tone

- Ampoule for skin brightening

- Maximize the skincare effect 4000 % better with MTS roller 

- Patent formula / Skin irritation test completed / CGMP 

- Ingredient: 

  1. Citrus Junos Callus Extract is from young Yooza (Yuzu) fruit. Immature Yooza has higher effectiveness in skin brightening
  2. Hyaluronic Acid for natural skin moisturizing
  3. Aloe Vera soothes the skin with rich vitamin, mineral, and phytosterol 

"Ariderma Cosmetic is an expert in MTS (Micro-needle Therapy System) with over 10 years experience"

Simply contact us to find about the supply rate of Ariderma Cosmetics 

[Home Care] CLTOX white ampoule for uneven skin tone



Skincare, Personal Care

Main Ingredients

Yuzu, Aloe, HA


CLTOX Plus white ampoule for uneven skin tone

- Ampoule for skin brightening

- Maximize the skincare effect 4000 % better with MTS roller 

- Patent formula / Skin irritation test completed / CGMP 

- Ingredient: 

  1. Citrus Junos Callus Extract is from young Yooza (Yuzu) fruit. Immature Yooza has higher effectiveness in skin brightening
  2. Hyaluronic Acid for natural skin moisturizing
  3. Aloe Vera soothes the skin with rich vitamin, mineral, and phytosterol 

"Ariderma Cosmetic is an expert in MTS (Micro-needle Therapy System) with over 10 years experience"

Simply contact us to find about the supply rate of Ariderma Cosmetics